Ceilidh na Gaidhlig Am Bac
Maggie February 20, 2016
Bidh Ceilidh na Gaidhlig anns an Hut air a Bhac Dihaoine sa tighinn 26mh Gearrain. Da dhealbh cluich ur, Coisir na Sgire, seinneadairean agus luchd ciuil bhon a Bhac. Thigibh ann! Ceilidh Na Gaidhig will be at The Hut in Back next Friday the 26 th February.
The new event Cèilidh na Gàidhlig has several targets: to strengthen the use of Gaelic in the communities, to bring drama to a new audience and to enable Gaelic learners to be immersed in the language and island culture for an evening.

We are working with other community groups, who have a strong interest in maintaining the Gaelic language in each area. Cabraich are grateful for the support of Bòrd na Gàidhlig and CNES.

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