Cucumber Sandwich- A new play
Maggie April 09, 2014

Cucumber Sandwich by Eric MacDonald was performed for the first time today 15th April at Cairdean Cordail Cheann an Loch in Balallan Hall. Next performance at the Back Cairdeas group meeting at The Hut, Back on Wednesday 30th April. Also at Ness Lunch club at the Old Cross School, on Thursday 1st May. Manor Residents on Tuesday 20th May, Uig Cairdeas at Uig Hall on 28th May.  More details about the new 20 minute play below.


Toffs . Well...that's what we called them "

 A death by drowning at a sporting lodge on the Isle of Lewis .

 But was it really an accident ?
A farewell kiss on the cheek
Or was it something  more ?
A 16 year old girl learns some harsh lessons about Life...and Love
during a long hot summer in  1962 .
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