New Monologue by Alasdair a Bhocsair
Maggie September 24, 2014

Coinneach Tarmod-Mo Dhuine by Alasdair Campbell, Alasdair a Bhocsair, Ness is a Gaelic monologue performed by Maggie Smith of Cabraich. Cabraich will be visiting Back Cairdeas on Wednesday 29th October at the Hut in Back and Carloway Sunshine Club on Wednesday 5th November at 1.30 at the Health Centre.  


Previous performances: Saturday 16th August at Balallan Hall, at the Scottish Night organised by the Balallan and District Recreation Committee,Ness Lunch Club on Thursday 4th September and Breasclete ABC Club on Wednesday 17th September. Event supported by Living it Up and Bord na Gaidhlig

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