Over 60s Clubs summer hols
Maggie June 04, 2013

Today's performance of A Souvenir of Great Yarmouth was at Cairdean Allt nan Gall in Garrabost/Knock. This was the last visit to the Over 60s groups until they return after the summer break. By November 2013 Cabraich hope to have a new play.  Bookings for visits in November have been lined up in Kinloch, Back Cairdeas, Young at Heart Clan MacQuarrie Borve and Cairdean Allt nan Gall in Point.


Today I met Mrs Morrsion a 94 year old herring girl from Point who told me she joined the Naafi when war broke out. Working at the building of the Drome in Stornoway, Breanais Uig and then in Tiree. She told me "that Tiree was where the good looking American pilots who flew to Belgium were based. They were not all destined to return"  We hope to record more of her wartime memories very soon. Everybody we have met at the island Cairdeas groups has a remarkable story to tell. 

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