Peggy-star of film at 87
Maggie February 24, 2015

Gealladh a Bhàird

A new local short film features Peggy Effie Smith from Kneep in Uig. The well-known singer and composer of Gaelic songs, reveals how she inherited the gift of poetry from her grand uncle on his death-bed. Peggy Effie aged 87 filmed recently, by Keith Stringer and local volunteers from Uig Media revealed in verse how the gift of poetry came with conditions that it should never be used to mock or scold..

Seo a thuirt bràthair mo sheanair rium

Air bu leabaidh bais dha,

Gu robh aige faireachdainn

Gun fhuair mi spiorad bàrdachd,

’S gun tug e mar earal dhomh

“Na cur i chaoidh gu càineadh”

Cha diobair mise an gealladh sin,

Gus an paisgear bhon an fhad mi.

The film Gealladh a’ Bhàird can be viewed online at

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