Bannaimh nach Gann-new poetry book
Maggie June 01, 2014

Book launched on Saturday 7th June at 2pm at a Silver Darlings event in the Community Centre, Leurbost. Bannaimh Nach Gann the Gaelic secular writing of the Rev Murdo Smith (1878-1936) of 31 Leurbost includes nature poetry, humourous compositions and elegies, an extensive social history of the time.

This collection was written when travel was by boat, families were evicted to make way for grazing for sheep and emigration to Canada was encouraged. The words of the bàrd are often heard today in the popular love song Tè Bhàn,Tè Bhàn, Tè Bhuidhe Bhàn, An Seann Dachaigh and Fògradh ar Gaidheal
 The Comann Eachdraidh Cheann a Tuath Nan Loch publication by Clò Fuigheagan, costs £7.99 and is also available as an e-book.

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